Jaro Šatkevič
Jaro Šatkevič is from Lithuania. For the last 20 years, he was managing IT projects, building products and running startup companies.
Thus, Šatkevič has experience in designing intranets, social networks and business management apps as well as in managing developers‘ teams.
Since 2013, Jaro has been actively following bitcoin and blockchain innovations. Together with his partners, in 2017, he launched blockchain consulting company ‘‘Blockvis‘‘. Furthermore, he has been actively developing solutions for various blockchain startups and ICO projects ever since.
Šatkevič also holds a role of technical blockchain advisor in various projects and he is a creator of JaroCoin (http://jarocoin.com) – first Initial Time Offering.
In addition to his professional experiences, Jaro Šatkevič is involved in social activities. To illustrate, from 2009, he has been an organiser of Lithuanian BarCamp events as well as an active member of Lithuanian startups community. Moreover, Jaro used to be an active member of OpenSource community, one of the founders of Lithuanian OpenSource movement and a president of association OpenSource for Lithuania (Atviras kodas Lietuvai). On top of all, Lithuanian activist is an instructor of WonHwaDo martial art.