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Andrii Borovyk

Andrii Borovyk has been Executive Director of Transparency International Ukraine since January 2019 (earlier, in 2016-2018, he worked as Chief Operating Officer in the organization).

Before taking a position at TI Ukraine, he worked within the reforms unit in the General Prosecutor’s Office and as an investment analyst.Within his management TI Ukraine team has grown from 18 to 45 people, delivering its goals in fighting corruption. Andrii has contributed dramatically toward the institutional development of the organization, coordinating fundraising activities that secured over USD 3.5 million to the organization in grants.He was a Civic oversight council member at the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (2018) and a member of the reattestation commission within the Prosecutor General Office (2019), member of the anticorruption prosecutors’ selection commission (2020). Also, since 2017 Andrii is a member of the ethics committee in the Ukrainian Network of Integrity and Compliance. He is a Board member of CSO “Independent Defence Anti-Corruption Committee (NAKO)” and UNCAC Coalition. Andrii has advanced the Ukrainian anti-corruption agenda at the international level and significantly contributed to enhancing worldwide initiatives for corruption elimination by participating in international events and developing working relations with representatives of international institutions.”

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