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Helge Kvamme

Helge Kvamme is from Norway. He is the CEO and founder of Kvamme Associates AS. Kvamme has a wide experience in Corporate Investigations and Root Case analyses, Anti-Corruption Compliance, including FCPA matters and World Bank Compliance Monitorship and Anti-Money Laundering.

Helge has served as leader of many national and international corporate investigations and compliance projects and is co-founder of the Oslo Anti-Corruption Conference Foundation. Kvamme has been a partner and leader of PwC Forensic Services in Norway and a co-leader of law firm Selmer´s Compliance and Corporate Investigations practice in Oslo.

He has a background from Law Enforcement serving for 10 years at the National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime (ØKOKRIM) and The National Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS/KRIPOS). After the public services and before joining PwC and Selmer, Kvamme was for 7 years the Fraud and Money Laundering Officer of DNB Bank.

He is a Norwegian delegate to the ICC Commission on Anti-corruption and Corporate Responsibility and has a Master in Democracy Building from the University of Bergen.

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