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Jermyn P. Brooks

Jermyn P. Brooks is from the UK. He currently chairs the Business Advisory Board of Transparency International (TI) and is a board member of the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva.

Jermyn’s work on behalf of TI began in 2000 and included roles as CFO, Managing Director, Board member (from 2003 – 2006 and again 2011 – 2014), and leader of TI’s private sector programmes. He currently chairs the steering committees for the Siemens Integrity Initiative project being conducted by TI Secretariat. Alongside, Brooks chairs the multi-stakeholder Business Principles Steering Committee in which he played a key role in the creation of the authoritative anti-corruption standard for business, the Business Principles for Countering Bribery. Furthermore, he has completed work in 2017 leading the multi-stakeholder initiative which has created a new standard – the 10 Anti-Corruption Principles for State Owned Enterprises.

Jermyn’s involvement in external outreach has included membership of the Wolfsberg Anti-Money Laundering group, founding membership of the World Economic Forum’s PACI initiative and chairing the 10th Principle Working Group of the UN Global Compact from 2009 – 2013.

Jermyn P. Brooks has acted as lecturer and instructor in numerous conferences on anti-corruption, good governance and sustainability in Africa, South America, Asia and most countries in Europe. Additionally, he has provided advices as a member of review committees of corporate social responsibility and sustainability reporting for many MNCs.

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