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Patrick Alley

Patrick Alley co-founded Global Witness in 1995. He is a Board Director of Global Witness and is involved in the organisation’s strategic leadership.

Since then Global Witness has become a global leader in its field, described by Aryeh Neier, former President of the Open Society Foundations, thus: “Global Witness brings together the issues of human rights, corruption, the trade in natural resources, the role of banks, the arms trade, conflict. It is the only organisation that does this. Period.”

Patrick has taken part in over fifty field investigations in South East Asia, Africa and Europe and in subsequent advocacy activities. He conceived several of Global Witness’ campaigns and focuses on corruption, conflict resources, forests and land, and environmental defenders.

Alongside his two co-founders, Patrick received the 2014 Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship. He is also a trustee of the OpenCorporates Trust Limited.

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